Wooseong Yang


I am a first year PhD student at the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a member of Big Data and Social Computing Lab, advised by Prof. Philip S. Yu.

My research interests are broadly focused on data mining, especially recommender systems and natural language processing. For more information about my research experience, please refer to my Curriculum Vitae (PDF).

I obtained a Master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas under Prof. Latifur Khan's supervision. While working with Prof.Khan, I mainly did research on domain-specific pre-trained language model as a Master's Thesis (PDF).

I obtained a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University under Prof. Mye Sohn's supervision where I found my passion in overall data mining, especially recommender systems. During the Master's course, I have completed the Intensive Artificial Intelligence Program offered by the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Before that I received my Bachelor's degree in Systems Management Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University.







Ph.D. in Computer Science Aug. 2023 - (ongoing)
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Chicago, IL, US
M.S. in Computer Science, Aug. 2023
University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)
Richardson, TX, US
M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Feb. 2021
Sungkyunkwan University
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Visiting Scholar in Language Technologies Institute, Jan. to Jul. 2020
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, US

B.S. in Systems Management Engineering, Feb. 2019
Sungkyunkwan University
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Work Experience

Research Assistant @ UIC, Aug. 2023 - (ongoing)
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Teaching Assistant @ UTD, Jan. to May. 2023
Dallas, USA

Undergraduate Intern @ MyCelebs, Jun. to Aug. 2016
Seoul, Republic of Korea